Diese FAQ ist gültig für |
easyDCP |
ab Version 3.6.X |
IMF Studio |
ab Version 4.X |
Easier & faster packaging:
Automatically convert frame rates (e.g. 23.98 to 24 frames/s) with easyDCP Creator+
Imagine the following situation:
- The original footage of your movie is at a fractional frame rate, such as 23.98 frames per second (fps).
- Now the movie shall be shown in cinemas at 24 fps.
- The conversion should be fast, easy and without the use of separate software.
- Use is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
- Also works with 29.97 fps.
- Also works in the standard version of easyDCP Creator.
- No frames are dropped, inserted or blended, so the conversion is free from image artifacts and stuttering.
To insert a movie with a fractional frame rate (here: 23.98 fps) into a project with a different frame rate (here: 24 fps) do the following:
- Open an existing easyDCP project or create a new one:

- Drop your movie file (here: MP4 at 23,98 fps) onto the reel:

- Your movie at the original 23.98 fps is now automatically converted to the frame rate of the project at 24 fps. The conversion of the image track is done frame by frame. No frames will be inserted, dropped or blended to ensure smooth image reproduction. The soundtrack is stretched or compressed accordingly. Picture and sound are now the same length (see the red arrow in the timeline) and are synchronized over the entire movie length:

- Finally, generate your DCP as usual.
Please note:
The timeline feature is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. The procedure also works without Timeline in easyDCP Creator 3.6.3. standard. This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ Version 3.6.3. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but in newer versions the process may be slightly different.